Multiple Payment Gateway Support | BitCoin, Perfect Money, OkPay, Payeer, Solid Trust Pay, Payza, Eway -Direct Payment, ECU, Authorized.Net, WebMoney, PayPal, Google Checkout , Wire Transfer |
Investment Plan Duration | Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly |
Interest Scheme | Simple, Compound Interest |
Interest Cycle | Day, Week, Bi-weeks, Month, Year, Every 2 Months, Every 3 Months, Every 6 Months |
Payment Security |  |
Payment Transaction Details |  |
Mass Pay Option |  |
Interest Calculator |  |
Manageable Deposit Plans |  |
Payment Settings Control |  |
Customizable Banner management |  |
Rich Text Format Mail |  |
Advanced Statistics |  |
Customizable Payment Option |  |
Easy Setting of Investment Packages |  |
Interest Calculation during Business Days Option |  |
Unlimited Plans |  |
Block User Account |  |
Set Minimum and Maximum Withdraw Amount |  |
Set Number of Withdrawals Allowed for a Month |  |
Poll Management |  |
Enable/Disable Duplicate I/P Check |  |
Customizable Site Statistics |  |
Release Deposit |  |
Restrict IP |  |
Site Settings Control |  |
Enable/Disable Release Deposit |  |
Enable/Disable Turing Code |  |
Activity Logs |  |
Login History |  |
User Contact us List |  |
Customizable Mail Settings |  |
Clone Plan |  |
Groups |  |
HYIP Articles |  |
Discussion Forum |  |
Advanced Affiliate / Referral System |  |
FAQ |  |
CMS |  |
Bulk User |  |
Newsletter Subscription |  |
SMTP Mail |  |
Advertisement |  |
Transaction History Export |  |
Advanced Investment Plan Settings |  |
Sub-Admin Creation |  |
Send Bonus |  |
Send Penalty |  |
Web tools (blocked Ip) |  |
Internal Fund Transfer |  |
Turing Code Verification |  |